Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ra.D(라디) _ Thank you(고마워 고마워)

Oh my goodness!!!!


Doing a dance of happiness right now!  Also freaking out a little!

Okay, so  the other day I was looking at stuff for Rap Corner, which didn't actually happen this week (sorry about that, it has been an exhausting week, and my internet has been weird), and I found a teaser for a new album by Ra.D.  He's... Probably my favorite.  And I say that about a lot of artists, BUT.  Ra.D is probably my favorite solo/Indie/whatever else he is.  I love all of his songs, and he never fails to impress me.


Okay, I'm not done with the freak out, but I will keep it on the inside.

I'm so tired I can't think straight right now, plus I'm fangirling just a little!  But, know that this is darling, and Ra.D is so fantastic and funny and adorable! Watch and be amazed, and fall in love with his music.

Basically the cutest music video ever, by the way.  I'm only saying ;)

And, here's a teaser for another one.  I'm super stoked about this song, too!

 I think to top it all off, not another Ra.D, but the song I was intending for the Rap Corner this week.  Because I feel bad about not being able to do it.  And I want to share, because it's so awesome!

Never heard of this guy, but I really like his rapping style, and love the mix of his voice and hers. I don't much care for the video.  It's cool that it's him, and I like how he hides his face sometimes, but it's... A little drab compared to the song.

That is it for this week--have the best week ever, and listen to ever more awesome and chill music :D

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Be Happy

This post is my "For lack of more time" post.  Sorry darlings!  Busy day.  Busy week, really.

Thus, I am going to just give you a few songs to add to your own chill music stashes.  Because I'm sure you have chill music stashes, and probably love them just as much as I love mine.  And we are all constantly searching for new music to liven up our chill stash.  I know, that sounds contradictory, livening up something that is inherently chill.  Be that as it may, it still works.  I promise.

Just go with it.

First is Urban Zakapa with "(a word I can't understand) Romance."  Yay for learning Korean!!!

Dang, this video says the title in English.  The one I've got on my playlist only has the Hangul....

Moving on.  To... Poe!!!

Weird.  But definitely a talented artist, and definitely something good to listen to on those days you just wanna chill.

And I think I'll finish this round off with some 10cm.  Because, even if they don't fit into this grouping, they are still fantastic to chill to on those days you just need some laid-back time.  And, they're probably in my top 3.  Seriously.  Love these guys.

Keep chilling and have a fantastic week! :D

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rap Corner: 슈프림팀(Supreme Team)_그대로 있어도 돼 (Feat. Crush)

Black and white.  White and black.  Yeah yeah yeah baby!

Now that I've gotten my enthusiasm for the black and white video out, let's move on, shall we?  What?  You thought I would never move on?  Ha ha!

Supreme Team is back!  Yay!  So... Confession time:  This is actually only one of a few Supreme Team songs I've actually listened to.  And I think the ones before this were before my hip hop/rap liking stage.  So, I can't be held accountable for my previous opinions on this group.

This song could very well go in the Chill Music Stash category, because it is so laid back and chill.  It's got a fantastic, deep beat that never fails to get my head nodding to it.  I'm sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop in front of me and my headphones over my ears, nodding like a fool.  I'm sure my family (if they saw me) would laugh, because they can't hear the awesomeness that is getting my head noddin'.  I'm only sayin'.

Besides the bass beat, the amazing combination of that higher, close to falsetto melody line in the soulful voice with the bad boy sounding/almost gritty rap made me fall in love with this song.  And that beginning with the... I don't even know what it's called, but the... Musical part of the beat?  Wow, I so don't know what I'm talking about here, obviously.  Anyway.  The beginning.  Completely catches you with just the beat.  No voices except for "Yeah, city lights." being spoken.

This video.  Seriously.  It's the small things you know?  First, I really enjoyed how it was kind of a mix of footage from their concerts, their recording sessions, and behind the scenes type of shots.  Like where one is snoozing and the other puts a spoon over his eye, waking him up??  Ha ha, totally something I can see any of us goof offs out here (in the not-famous world) doing.  I love that the video makes them more human, and at the same time, more awesome!

I love the black and white, and I know I started with this, but let me elaborate.  Besides my inclination toward monochromatic (all one color) schemes, like sepia toned photos and what not, I am also captivated by how the crew highlighted the play of light.  They used the black and white filming to highlight the play of light through the music video, and created these fantastic shadows and stark contrasts that just blow my mind with their amazingness.

And, here's the video, if you haven't seen it yet (Yay!!!):

Do you guys know everything about hip hop and rap that I don't?  Tell me about it in the comments, and help me out :D  Otherwise I get to study up on it all on my lonesome.  And there's no better way to learn thing than through friends.  They condense and point out important facts ;)

Now, go and live your lives!  Unfortunately not in black and white, but we can't have everything, can we?  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

김목인 - 꿈의 가로수길 (Kim Mokin)

Story time!

I was getting ready for work this morning, doing my makeup and stuff, and I was thinking, "What am I going to do for Chill Music Stash this week?" because I hadn't been listening to a whole lot of new stuff this week.  Then I looked at my subscriptions, and thought, doubtfully, "Okay, this looks... Well, I will give it a chance."

And let me tell you.  This song by Kim Mokin...  It's beautiful.  Chill in a lullaby almost sort of way.  It's so relaxing and wonderful and simple.  I absolutely adore the upright bass, and that just made my day.  This song is... Folksy almost, without being too much, you know?

Anyway, so I thought, right then and there, "Yep, this is the one for this week."  So I apologize that it's not some crazy-pants music video, or super creative out-there song.  But, I love it.  Sometimes you just need to listen to something that you can hum along to, listen to the guitar and fall in love, understand every word they are singing.  This is about...  The song and the story and... Happiness.

And let me say, I was watching him play the guitar, and thinking, "Wow, that is amazing!"  I can't imagine a time when I don't have to look down at my hands when I'm playing.  And then the bass?  How can he know right where he needs to put everything so that he's plucking the exact right note?  That blows my mind!  

I love the lighting, and how it casts shadows from his hair onto his face, making it seem...  Not mysterious, but kind of soft; and the song's like a warm drink of hot chocolate on a cold day.  Or a song that is welcoming Spring, that he could be playing out on the front porch with neighborhood children around his feet, listening.

There are a bunch of other videos by Kim Mokin that were uploaded just the other day.  Or maybe this morning.  In one of them, there's a lady playing the accordion!  Seriously!  An accordion!  Pretty wonderful, if you ask me.

Enough of me being such a nerd for this lovely song.  It is just one of those that makes your heart happy, you know?  Now go out and have a fantastic week!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

서상준(Seo Sang Jun) - 03 Little Chance

Okay.  I had something I was going to write about this song, then I had to scrap it, because the music video just blows my mind.  Seriously.  Before you do anything else, go watch it. 
Then come back and we'll talk.

I love this music video.  So creative, and amazing.  I can't say enough good things about how cool it is.  I love the backward-ness at the beginning, and then how it switches a little over halfway through, and runs though the backward things, except forward!?  Wow.  And, also, I love how the music changes with it, becomes a little bit more... Well, more, instead of breathy voice and guitar accompanying, it's piano and even some drums as well.  The piano is so beautiful, and I love how it becomes a little discordant toward the end.  It's perfect.

This artist is the drummer from Vodka Rain.  He's just... Wow.  Sorry guys, there just are no words.  I am blown away by his art, and the ideas, and the song.  The song is so chill, and you can listen to it when you just want to think and reflect, and have some quiet time.  Not the most upbeat song, and if you were sad, it might make you even more so.  But there's nothing bad about that.  Sometimes, you just have to cry it out and move on.

Now, go listen to it again, enjoy it, and then have a fantastic week listening to your chill music.  I'll see you next week!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rap Corner: 얀키(Yankie)_이놈 (I.N.D.O) (Feat. 타블로)

After I posted last week, I realized that the Quiett more often than not likes to put some questionable language in his music.  I apologize for that.  I still like his style, and while I personally don't like profanity, others might.  He does have some great stuff. :)

Apology done, let's move on!

This week, I wanted to talk about a song that just blew my mind as soon as I heard it.  Seriously, it's...  It has this epic weird string instrument rhythm thing going on that is sort of synth in the background, and instead of finding it annoying as all get out, I just start nodding my head to the rhythm.  I love everything about this song.  I.N.D.O... Wow.  I haven't heard anything else by him, and believe me, I've looked (well, a friend did, but she's pretty reliable at ferreting out information).  I can't wait to hear more from him, because this song is just amazing!

If you haven't heard "Yankie" by I.N.D.O, feat. Tablo yet, then listen to it here:

I know.  You just about went into spasms over how amazing and awesome this song is.  Don't worry about it, you can thank me later.

So, keep listening to awesome music and being wonderful yourselves!  Have no idea what Chill Music Stash is going to be about this week, but it should be just as wonderful!

Peace :D