Thursday, November 13, 2014

Today I hate snow


I guess I should give a little background.

In general, I love snow. I think it is beautiful, it turns the world into a quiet, lovely place that I can view through my window as I'm snuggled up with a blanket and a book (in my warm home). And, I even like walking in it, all bundled up with a fluffy coat, nice hat, gloves and scarf. Boots are a must.

But today, I was caught outside, with just a running jacket and shorts--SHORTS--when it started snowing. On my run. It was awful. The wind even started blowing it in my face, so the snowflakes were sticking to my eyelashes so I couldn't see. Sounds pretty bad, huh? (Okay, so it really sounds like I'm just whining to a captive audience, and I'll stop now)

What does this have to do with my post today, you ask? Good question. And it might be a stretch, but because I didn't have a song that just HIT me with it's epicness, I decided to go with one that I just plain like (kind of like comfort food, except a comfort song that will make me feel better, and hopefully win you over).

Wheesung is a new favorite of mine. You know how you go through phases in things you like? Okay, maybe you don't, but I sure do. Some days I can be jamming out to Three Days' Grace, and later that month I need to be listening to Yiruma (piano music to die for).

I didn't used to like the type of music Wheesung puts out, but at this point in my life, I am REALLY getting into his style.

The song I would like to present to you for your utter delight is "Night and Day." I ran into it maybe a week ago on a quest to find a new drama, and I was entirely entranced with his voice. This song is just... Amazing. It's soulful and painful and full of longing.

The music video was interesting (read: made my head blow up with not only sarcastic thoughts about how hair like that should not be under a cap, but also thoughts of the social commentary one could make on youth vs. experience in pop culture across the globe), and I actually liked it a lot. Of course, I listened to the song over and over before I took a look, but I loved the settings with the pillars, and then the story telling. I liked how the dancer stage kept changing from night to day and back, which was really cool.

I would go on more about how amazing his voice is (I'm talking about talent but also about the work he's obviously put in to be the singer he is today), but that would just bore you, and we can't have that!

Also: don't feel bad if you don't like this. Nobody can like everything :)

Have a great week, and I hope, wherever you are, you don't get caught in the snow in your shorts on a run :D