Thursday, January 24, 2013

Dear Cloud

This week I WAS planning on talking about Dear Cloud, or rather, one of Dear Cloud's songs that I specifically like, or that struck me as a sort of Chill Music miracle or some such.  And I was on Youtube, listening to some of their stuff, and then I saw a live performance, and I was just like, "Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!" And it was a beautiful moment.

I love their sound, even live.  Well, especially live, I suppose, and that is quite rare for me.  Usually a band or a group is so produced that their true, live sound can never quite compete with that  pedestal which the commoners (us, if you didn't get the reference) listen to on the radio or via cd.  There is absolutely no way a regular voice/instrument can be played exactly perfectly every single time a group performs.

That being said, I felt that this was perhaps a part of Dear Cloud's charm.  Their music is almost the kind that one would go to an open mic session for--the stuff you really wait all night just to hear, and that's the reward for suffering through all of the wannabes (no offense to those of you who are learning and who are trying out your singing/playing on other people--believe me, I'm in the same boat, and I respect the heck out of your tenacity and guts).  Their music takes you into that dim room, bare bulbs with the lampshades hanging from the ceiling, people lounging in every corner, eyes reflecting glittering pieces of light back at you.  That room has a sound of its own, it hums with the life in it; the breath, the heartbeats, the rustle of clothes as someone shifts, waiting for the act to really begin.

Sorry, distracted.  Dear Cloud.

I love them.  I kind of feel like their music is either an acquired taste, or something you actually have to be interested in and go searching for.  It's definitely not mainstream, and that totally fits the group and their sound.  Kudos to them for making music the way they want to, and not to fit in with anyone's idea of music.

I also love their style.  It's not all done-up and fake, they don't really "dress up" for the stage. I mean, they look great, but they look like a band should look--kind of like, expect the unexpected kind of thing--you don't know how they're going to look like until they step out on the stage. This can especially be seen with the lead singer.  She's absolutely gorgeous.  No seriously.  Love everything about her style, from her short hair to her leather jacket to the way she doesn't look at the audience when she's singing.  It's like she's taking us on a journey into her mind when she sings: she's inviting us along.  It's a perfect fit for their sound.

And, here's where I give you a music video typically.  But I'm going to give you a live version instead, because it kind of sucked me in, and my imagination ran wild with it.  Obviously.

And, I'd also like to share this other blog that I discovered on my wanderings tonight.  Because I like Ria's style :D

Anyway.  Have a great week with your Chill Listening, kids, and if you have comments or requests, I'd be happy to answer/honor them! ;)

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