Thursday, October 10, 2013

10cm & Fine Five - Beautiful Moon

Because I don't have a lot of time, and because I just love 10cm and haven't heard anything from them for a long time--this post will be short and, hopefully sweet.

I don't know when I first fell in love with 10cm, but I do know that they were one of my very first K-indie bands.  I fell in love with their style, their music--pretty much everything about them.

Someday I want to go to Korea and see them perform live.  That is going on my bucket list.

For now, I guess I'll have to settle for what they give me on Youtube and the internet.  

10cm, keep up everything you're doing and everything you are!  We love you!

(The Youtube link wasn't working, sorry guys!)

Really.  Love 10cm for all that they are, because they are wonderful, and amazing musicians.  The music they produce is just such a happy thing in my life.

Have a fantastic weekend with your chill music, kids! :D

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Kye Bum Zu(계범주) _ Something Special (feat.Dok2)

This isn't exactly Chill Music.  But I had a very busy day on Tuesday and missed what I was going to do then, so this is sort of an in-between.  It falls kind of in the middle--it's good music to jam to.

Okay, fine, it falls more on the side of rap and hip hop than Chill Music.  Sorry...  (I guess, I am, but I love the song, so...)

Kye Bum Zu (계범주) came out with "Something Special," featuring Dok2.  And, I LOVE THIS SONG!!!

Short but sweet-- 계범주 has an amazing voice, and I really enjoy the style he's chosen to go with.  It's dance-y, but it's also smooth and sexy.  Good rhythm, fantastically catchy and fun to sing over and over when it's stuck in your head.  I also like the slightly growly way he goes into "You got that somethin' baby!"  Seriously cute.

Dok2!!!  Holy cow, I adore Dok2, and I think that it was the best idea every for 계범주 to make this song featuring Dok2.  I am so amazed and happy that Dok2 is in here and he's not dropping the f-bomb left and right as well.  His style and voice just sends shivers down my spine, and the combination of Kye Bum Zu's amazing voice and Dok2's rapping is just amazing.

The music video is completely adorable.  Seriously.  When he looks at her and when he does something cute to get her attention and it WORKS?  The smile on his face when he has accomplished it is THE CUTEST THING!!!

Okay, listen to this song.  It's fun.

I hope you love it so much!!  :D