Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mad Soul Child, Dear

One of the amazing things about discovering a new genre of music (or anything for that matter) is that you get to find everything out, without bias, and everything is fresh and wonderful.  It’s like being Alice down the rabbit hole.  Strange, different, but so wonderful!!!

This week’s fantastic, wonderful and surprising discovery has been Mad Soul Child.  I was actually listening to Tablo’s “Bad” and wondered about the woman who was singing with him.  Her voice is haunting and sometimes tragic and altogether wonderful.  And that is how I discovered Mad Soul Child.

It’s only going to be one song this week, because… Well, I could listen to this song over and over and never get tired of it.  Ha ha, eventually I probably would, but it hasn’t happened yet, and I’ve been listening to it all week.  Mad Soul Child.  Dear.

Holy cow.  This song is…  So beautiful and tragic and I love it!  Every time I listen to it I almost burst into these random tears, because of the beauty and sorrow.  It’s kind of embarrassing when I’m at work, because I’ll feel like crying, and then people start talking to me and I want to say, “Can’t you see that I’m having a moment here?”  Okay, so it’s not that bad, but it could be.  This song is that beautiful.

There isn’t really anything funny to me about the song.  Except… There’s this pause, somewhere right in the middle-beginning.  It gets me every time.  I’ll be listening along, and then there’s the long….. Pause…. And I think, “What?!  The song’s over?!  Lame!”  And then the music starts again, and I sit back, all sheepish and placated that there’s still music.  Yeah, life can be like that sometimes ;)

Go listen to this amazing song if you haven’t yet.

And if Mad Soul Child isn’t your scene, I have it on good authority that 10cm and Clazziquai Project have both just this week released albums.

Here's Love Recipe from Clazziquai Project:

And here's my favorite song from 10cm's new album.  (The song's called Nothing Without You):

Have a great week with your chill music, and let me know if I can spotlight anything for you!

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