Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rap Corner: 얀키(Yankie)_이놈 (I.N.D.O) (Feat. 타블로)

After I posted last week, I realized that the Quiett more often than not likes to put some questionable language in his music.  I apologize for that.  I still like his style, and while I personally don't like profanity, others might.  He does have some great stuff. :)

Apology done, let's move on!

This week, I wanted to talk about a song that just blew my mind as soon as I heard it.  Seriously, it's...  It has this epic weird string instrument rhythm thing going on that is sort of synth in the background, and instead of finding it annoying as all get out, I just start nodding my head to the rhythm.  I love everything about this song.  I.N.D.O... Wow.  I haven't heard anything else by him, and believe me, I've looked (well, a friend did, but she's pretty reliable at ferreting out information).  I can't wait to hear more from him, because this song is just amazing!

If you haven't heard "Yankie" by I.N.D.O, feat. Tablo yet, then listen to it here:

I know.  You just about went into spasms over how amazing and awesome this song is.  Don't worry about it, you can thank me later.

So, keep listening to awesome music and being wonderful yourselves!  Have no idea what Chill Music Stash is going to be about this week, but it should be just as wonderful!

Peace :D

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