Tuesday, June 25, 2013

장석현 (Jang Seok Hyun), and 버벌진트 (Verbal Jint)--"Delightful Box" and Rap Corner

Sometimes, when I'm not listening to rap, hip hop, R&B or my Chill Music, I listen to songs that just delight me.  You've got those, right?  Songs that you could play over and over and they would never get old?  Doesn't matter what kind of music it is, either.  It could be classical, jazz, dubstep, pop.  You name it, it makes someone out there happy.

Well, I had a song that I encountered this week, and I really wanted to post about it.  The problem is, it's not really chill music, it's not really rap or hip hop, and I had nowhere to put it!  And so, my "Delightful" box came to be.  Like Rap Corner, and the, *cough,* fairly well-established Chill Music Stash, I am going to do my level best to find songs that just make me so happy and put them in the Delightful Box so that everyone can be delighted (or disgusted, whichever the case may be) in turn!  It will probably take up some Tuesdays when I either don't have a rap song that I particularly like that week, or when I have nothing else to post on.

This week?  Tee hee.  Best song ever.  장석현 (Jang Seok Hyun), Kikaflo and 우이경, give
 us this song and video that are... So randomly weird, but at the same time, so fantastically awesome.  It's called 아주 좋아, and this is one of those can't-stay-in-your-seats songs: You just have to pop up and dance.  It's a happy at the beginning of summer kind of song.  It's just... Delightful.

I love the video, too.  Random bananas, random people, random pictures of people posing behind painted bathing-suited women (I have no idea what they call that, by the way), and it's so much fun!  The people in the video look like they are just having a blast, and it's so silly and dance-y that I kind of wish I had been there.

A comment here for the video: There are users on Youtube that have said that they think the sound is off and that the video was uploaded wrong.  I think that the artist and entertainment company did exactly what they meant to do.  The song sounds a little bit tinny, but it fits the feel of the video to a T, and I really think that it is supposed to sound like that.  Casual, not super strictly professional sounding, and FUN, just like the video.

Next, because I just HAD to, is 버벌진트 (Verbal Jint) with "비범벅 (Walking in the Rain)", featuring 범키 (Bumkey).  Wow, that surely is a mouthful.

Beautiful video.  I don't think any of us expect anything different from Verbal Jint.  They are always spectacular.  I did especially love that guy dancing, though.  His name is 넘현준 (Nam Hyun Joon).  With the rain flying all over (is it still rain if it has already landed on the ground, or does that classify as water??) from his limbs and hair, it's pure magic to watch.  It would be amazing to watch him dance without the flying water, but WITH??  Strictly magic and nothing else.

Something about adding rain to a video, especially all the slow motion special shots you can do with water, just makes this video visually stunning.

The song.  Holy wow. I love collaborations, especially when rap artists can collaborate with a vocalist and they perfectly compliment each other.  I'm going to compare this one to BNR's recent song, 아무말도없었다 (Did not say anything), featuring 앤 (Ann).  Suiting, since they're with the same company... This one gives me the same shivers, it's that perfect with Bumkey's voice complimenting Verbal Jint's rapping.  And vice versa.  It's a... Jazzy, but at the same time wickedly rhythmic song.  Wonderful.

That's it for this Tuesday.  I truly hope you love both of these songs, and the artists.  Have a great week, and I'll see you back here for Chill Music Stash :D

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