Thursday, June 6, 2013

March Hare (3월의 토끼): "Spring Comes, Rain Falls"

You know how, every once in a while, you hear a song, and you think, "This song is... Me.  Right now, in this moment, this song is me perfectly..."??  Have you ever had that happen?

Well, I heard this song, and it felt like everything about it was just... So me.  It's not even a matter of loving a song or hating it.  It's a matter of something resonating with everything that you are--from your experiences to your tastes and thoughts, and it just is.  

March Hare's "Spring Comes, Rain Falls," resonates with me.  The heavy, almost metallic rhythm with the wailing synth in the chorus, and her smoky voice.  I've always been more of a melancholy music listener than upbeat.  Whenever I'm angry, I love listening to rock, something that can make me feel better by shouting along.  This song calls to me.  That's weird, I know, but it does.  I hear it, and it seems like everything turns off.  My brain doesn't need to think anymore, I just need to experience it.

It's all in English, which is a bit weird, but I love understanding what she's singing.  At least, mostly understanding :)

It's interesting that such a heavy song is about Spring and rain falling--I would expect Spring rainfall would inspire something lighter and more airy, almost not there, like fairy wings.  But this... It's heart matters.  Heavy stuff, human, thoughts and ideas weighing the music down and making it ponderous.

Here it is, I'll stop rambling now:

On another note, NELL JUST RELEASED A PREVIEW!!!  Oh, I am so excited!!!  They are coming out with a full album!  Here's their preview:

Be excited with me!!!!  Yay!!!

Okay, go listen to your awesome chill music, and I'll see you back here on Tuesday :D

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